Google Calendar
Google Calendar
To add Troop 555 to your calendar, click this link Troop 555 calendar, then click “Add” to have it integrate with your calendar.
If you have issues, please look under the calendar on the page for more options.
You can integrate the UA Troop 555 calendar into your personal calendar in several ways without having to check the UA Troop 555 website.
Add To Browser Favorites
Click on the following link,[email protected], then add the page to your browser’s Favorites or Bookmarks.
Add To Your Personal Gmail Calendar
Log into Gmail and open your calendar.
Open “Settings” (gear symbol in top-right of browswer window) and select “Calendar Settings”. Click on the “Calendars” tab.
In the “Other Calendars” section click on the “Browse Interesting Calendars” link. This will open the Interesting Calendars page.
On the right-side of the screen click the “Add a friend’s calendar” link and enter “[email protected]” in the Contact Email field. Click the “Add” button and you’ll return to your calendar view. You are now able to see the UA Troop 555 calendar integrated with your own.Add To MS Outlook
See the following link for instructions on integrating the UA Troop 555 into MS Outlook.
Add To Your Mobile Device
There are also ways to integrate Google calendars with mobile devices. Please looks for these with a web search if you are interested.
Please contact the Troop Webmaster if you have further questions.